Church Center App

The Church Center App by Planning Center is where you can explore, engage, and stay connected at FiveStone throughout the week.

Get church updates, see the full church calendar, event registrations, watch live and previous services, communicate with groups, give safely and securely, and so much more.

The app is available for download on all devices.

Frequently Asked Questions

Where can the app be downloaded from?

The app is available on all smart devices. It can be downloaded from the various app stores for android or apple phones.

How do I find FiveStone on it?

1. When you are prompted after downloading the app, you can use your location or type in the postal code “75044” to find FiveStone.

2. Select FiveStone Community Church when it pops up.

3. Type in your mobile phone number and it will send you a verification code via text message.

4. Type the verification number in the app and follow the prompts from there.

Having Trouble With the App?

Please let us know. We'll be happy to help.